Christine C – U.S.A.

So I just got home from an 8 night visit to Dreamglade.
I did have a giggle over “* Free, comfortable 4×4 transportation to and from the healing center” as we bounced about in the truck over the bumpy roads HAH!
Filtered drinking water is provided. The facilities are clean! To me that was of utmost importance! They provide showers with filtered water, sinks for brushing teeth and washing hands, and flushing toilets with doors.
The maloca (where I stayed) was kept clean and the roof did not leak even once during some pretty intense storms! The bedding was simple but met the needs. I was never uncomfortable.
True there’s no electricity and no phone signal but it just made it into a fun camping experience for me.
Drew and Stace run a pretty tight ship with that! I felt safe during my entire visit. Never once did I worry about personal safety for myself or my things.
I did not choose the tambo or the dieta but my experience was still very positive.
The ceremonies were just beautiful. Estella’s singing still haunts me in my sleep! Once more, I never felt unsafe. Stace and Drew made the rounds and checked up on everyone to ensure no issues. They were on hand to immediately clean up any mess that occurred so we didn’t wake up the next morning to vomit on the floor. The love and attention they provided was uplifting and comforting. They talk TO you and not AT you…there IS a difference!
The aya brew was magical. It was certainly strong enough for me! I won’t relay my experiences as this is about Dreamglade. Let’s just say my expectations were more than met.
The energies in this place made it into something magical and it seemed it attracts magical beings as well as all the people I met there were just lovely.
Overall, I had a brilliant, fabulous experience and would recommend it to anyone!

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Thor – U.S.A.

A truly outstanding experience. I don't know that you could find a management team equal to Stacy...

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