Glade: “A gleam of light, a bright space, an open space; an open or cleared space in a forest allowing more light to enter”
Dreamglade is a beautiful, lake-side Shamanic healing centre and Ayahuasca retreat right in the heart of the Peruvian Amazonian rainforest.
Our mission is to continue to develop this truly exquisite jungle hideaway and eventually self-sustaining rainforest community on 20 hectares of land that we purchased in 2013 just 15km outside of the bustling jungle city of Iquitos, Peru.
Ayahuasca and the use of other local medicinal plants is of course the primary focus for the Ayahuasca retreats and the healing work but we have also incorporated other powerful healing aspects into the centre such as free yoga classes, massage therapies, breath work exercises, meditation, Kambo and a natural sauna/sweat lodge.
Many of us today, especially those from the Western World, are trying to find ways to become more healthy, more at peace, more “enlightened” for want of a better word. In my own personal experience I have realised that it is often not about what we need to do but rather what we need to undo. We need to ‘purge’ on every level, emotionally, physically and even energetically and Ayahuasca and the use of other Amazonian medicinal plants, in conjunction with local, indigenous knowledge and traditional practices, may help us to do this in a very profound way.
At DreamGlade we aim to keep the atmosphere as informal, loving and ‘grounded’ as possible.
When working with Ayahuasca in particular, it is very easy to get ‘carried away’, to lose your sense of reality so-to-speak. We will not tell you that you are destined to be a powerful Shaman or that you have been ‘chosen’ by the plant spirits to be the next “Carlos Castenada”.
Our goal is to help our guests come here to the Amazon rainforest of Peru to do some serious and sincere work on themselves, though we also believe that humour can also play a very important part in the healing process !!
Although the Maloka (ceremonial hut) is big enough for many more, we limit the number of participants to a maximum of 9-10 for each Ayahuasca ceremony to ensure that each person has plenty of space and receives adequate care and attention from both the Curanderos and the facilitators.
Please go to the ‘booking a retreat’ page for more info*