Come prepared
If you are coming to spend some time with us at our rainforest retreat we would like to suggest that you bring many or all of the following items in order to make your stay with us more comfortable and enjoyable.
Obviously it is a very hot and humid environment so try to keep clothes as light as possible.
- Light rain jacket/poncho (it rains quite a bit)
- At least 2 pairs or shorts and several light shirts/T-shirts
- At least one pair of lightweight trousers and a light, long sleeved shirt (for walks)
- Swimwear (there is a lake for swimming)
- Sandals/Flip Flops
- Some form of head protection, i.e. sunhat, baseball cap, etc. (we are just 200km from the equator)
- RED Flashlight/Torch
- Natural toiletry products wherever possible (you will be cleaning yourself out on many levels and it is preferable not to use any toxic/chemical products during this process, which includes most commercial brands of toothpaste, repellants, deodorants, etc.)
- A couple of gas lighters (for lighting “mapachos”, jungle tabacco)
- Water bottle (for ceremonies and walks – you can fill it with purified water in the kitchen and the Maloka)
- Natural mosquito repellent (the Dreamglade grounds have very few mosquitos compared to other centres but we still do get some, especially in the wet season, so please bring some kind of after-bite cream if you tend to react strongly to their bites)
- Large bag/backpack for the bulk of your belongings, a smaller, lighter one for walks.
- Sunglasses
- Some form of journal or diary to record your experiences is a very good idea.
- Personal entertainment devices are ok (cell phones, mp3 players, ipads, etc. but preferably just to listen to some relaxing music on occasion, take photos, etc… NOT to watch movies, TV programmes, scroll through social media !!)
- Any form of creative material is excellent such as pencils, sketch pad, paints, etc…. (you will possibly feel quite inspired !!)
- One or two ‘spiritual’ type books are ok as well as they can definitely help you understand the process you are going through but preferably not books such as ‘trashy novels’ or ‘spy thrillers’ as they will probably just be a distraction* (you will be doing some real, deep work on yourself)
- A small padlock (there are safe boxes for your valuables in each tambo)
Malaria – We are very lucky and do not have many mosquitos out at the center (slightly more during the rainy season, January to May) and we have never had a single case of malaria, either with guests or staff in over 9 years of being in operation. DreamGlade and all of the buildings are screened in to protect you from the jungle insects. The chances of contracting malaria during your stay are extremely minimal especially as the disease-carrying ones bite predominantly during the night and you definitely will not be going for jungle walks after the sun has gone down. If you choose to take some form of prophylactic malaria treatment, that is, of course, your choice but we strongly recommend against it as it could definitely interfere with your work with the medicinal plants (in our experience the anti-malarial drugs often induce worse symptoms than the disease itself as the local strain is really not too severe or life-threatening).
Vaccinations – Although you will undoubtedly be advised to take several vaccinations before visiting the Amazonian region you will probably be better off not taking any of them. There has not been a single case of “Yellow fever” in the Iquitos region for over 20 years and you are not obliged to be vaccinated against it before visiting the area (despite what most Western doctors will tell you).
Hepatitis A and Typhoid are a very small risk but only from contaminated water supplies in urban areas. (15 years in Peru and I have never seen anyone get sick with either of these).
Diarrhoea – Contracting some kind of stomach bug is not uncommon for people visiting Peru, especially if you are coming from more ‘sanitised’ Western countries. Usually it will pass within a few days and the most important thing is to drink plenty of fluids and get some rest until it passes. Anti-Diarrhoea drugs are not really recommended as they can interfere with the body’s natural healing response but, of course, are sometimes necessary whilst traveling for long periods.
Prescription Drugs/Medical Conditions– Full but confidential disclosure on your part regarding any health issues and/or mental health issues you may have or any prescription/recreational drugs that you are using is extremely important and required before your arrival.
This is to ensure that you don’t experience any adverse reactions to Ayahuasca or any other medicinal plants you may be required to work with. Please send us an email beforehand so we can assess your personal requirements (anti-depressants and cocaine for example can be extremely dangerous in conjunction with Ayahuasca).
If you fail to honestly inform us of any medical conditions/drug use OF ANY KIND before visiting DreamGlade on your head be it – WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADVERSE REACTIONS THAT YOU MAY EXPERIENCE!
Please also be informed that if you arrive with the flu or any other contagious disease (such as the measles or chicken pox for example) you will not be permitted to enter the center until we are sure there is no longer a risk of you infecting the Dreamglade staff or other guests.