Medicinal plant dietas


At Dreamglade we also offer specific plant “dietas” for those that either wish to remedy a particular ailment or to go much deeper with their healing work during their stay with us.

Piñon Colorado

Traditionally, plant dietas are undertaken by those wishing to become shamanic healers but they can also be used as a powerful detox and spiritual practice, promoting deep healing on all levels, physical, emotional and especially energetic.

As a general rule we usually use the well known medicinal plant “Ajo Sacha” (roughly translated as “wild jungle garlic” because of it’s strong garlic taste and smell) as a primary dieta as it is very effective at clearing energy blocks and opening the “dietero” (the participant) to deeper healing in conjunction with the ayahuasca ceremonies.

For dietas with the ‘softer’ plants such as the aforementioned Ajo Sacha, as well as Piñon Colorado, Bobinsana and Planta de Vida, we don’t require that the participant adheres to too severe dietary restrictions and they do not have to be in almost complete isolation (normally a requirement for traditional master plant dietas).

For this type of dieta the food that we provide is almost identical to the traditional ayahuasca diet, consisting of plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, some rice, noodles, plantain, porridge oats and an egg but with no salt, sugar, spices, oils, caffeine or processed foods of any kind.

The participant is also restricted from using toothpaste, deodorant, insect repellent, shampoo or any other toiletry products unless they are made with completely natural ingredients and are not too strong smelling.


Planta de Vida

No physical contact is permitted (even between spouses or partners) and no sexual arousal of any kind, including masturbation. Some physical contact with the supervising curanderos is permitted as they sometimes perform “hands-on healing” should the participant be in need of it. You will not  be required to stay in complete isolation but as much time by yourself to reflect and connect with the said medicinal plant is very beneficial.

If a guest would like to diet with more serious plants (such as Sanango, Tobacco or any of the master trees) they would need to have completed at least three ‘softer dietas’ beforehand to prepare them for the much stronger energies of the “master plants”.

There are some post-diet restrictions, i.e. no pork, alcohol, spicy food, sex, recreational drugs, etc. but for the ‘softer’ plants this is only a requirement for a minimum of 7 days after finishing the dieta.

This special tea is prepared fresh from the chosen plant; taken daily medicinal ‘plant/flower baths’ for cleansing and protection and also constant supervision of the entire dieta progress/integration by our very own Shipibo curanderos who have more than 80 years of combined experience working with the master plants.

The minimum length of time for a plant dieta is 5 days. (but they can be extended)

Ajo Sacha

At the beginning of the dieta, the Shipibo curandero will ‘open’ the dieta for you, then gradually day by day they help you to integrate more fully with the master plant whilst also ‘singing’ into existence an “arcana”, a type of protective, energetic shield around you to ensure that no unwanted ‘energies’ or ‘spirits’ are able to interfere with your work with the plant.

On the last day, to “close” the dieta, a small amount of salt, sometimes mixed with a little lemon juice is taken to seal up the person’s energy field and another special “arcana” is created around the participant to keep them completely safe from unwanted/unpleasant energies when they return back to the real world.

In essence, when you partake in a plant dieta, you are deliberately restricting your food intake and contact with the outside world in order to become much more open and sensitive to the plant’s energy, essentially, inviting the spirit of the plant to join with your own resulting in a “plant spirit ally” that will stay with you for the rest of your life. Real shamanic healers in the Amazon region are required to “diet” with literally dozens of different plants and trees, usually for many years. It is how they hone their healing abilities as their own particular “plant spirit allies” are called upon in order to cure each patients ailments during the ceremonies.

The energies present during the dietas can be very subtle which is why as much peace and quiet as possible is recommended in order to really listen to the plant’s messages as the health and spiritual benefits of a medicinal plant dieta can be profound.


  • Included on the price of the retreat