Kambo Treatments


At Dreamglade we also offer “Kambo” treatments for those that wish to go deeper with their healing process during their stay with us.

Following the advice of our resident curanderos, Kambo treatments are not administered if the person is partaking of a medicinal plant dieta as the energies involved can clash somewhat. However, once we have “closed” the said “dieta” our guests are free to receive Kambo. We usually start off with just 2-3 “points” as a beginner dose, most often first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, usually on days following Ayahausca ceremonies.

“Kambo” or “Sapo”, as it also known, is the venomous secretion of Phyllomedusa bicolor (the giant leaf or monkey frog), a bright green tree frog native to the Amazon basin. The secretion of the Kambo frog has been used as a medicine amongst the Upper Amazonian peoples for millennia.

We obtain fresh Kambo “sticks” directly from the “Matses” tribe, famous throughout the region as master practitioners of this very powerful medicine.

The frog venom contains many peptides that are active in the human body, including phyllocaerulein, phyllomedusin, phyllokinin, sauvagine, dermaseptins, adenoregulin, deltorphin, and dermorphin.

Numerous medical studies have found that there are profound health benefits from this “organic cocktail” such as – stimulates gut flow and stomach acid secretion, lowers blood pressure, stimulates the adrenals and dopamine release, fights microbes (bacterial infections) and may even combat cancer. It also affects the activity of important neurotransmitters and compounds (adenosine, adrenaline and serotonin) and can significantly relieve pain and usually induces a state of long-lasting euphoria.

We encourage all participants to drink plenty of water prior to the treatment to induce “purging” (vomiting) which also helps to release toxins from the body.

Common symptoms once the venom has been applied include – increased heart rate, dizziness, increased body heat, nausea, vomiting and sometimes even diarrhoea but once the initial, slightly unpleasant effects have passed (usually within 20 – 30 mins) guests are left feeling calm, centred and full of energy, and also notice that their senses have been significantly enhanced.

  • Only done once a week, on Saturday morning
  • Included on the price of the retreat